Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Great Way to Release Stress

 To Release Stress is to Find Happiness!

About five years ago I battled cancer. My faith was strong and I believe that was the reason for my survival. I am now cancer free but still from time to time deal with the long lasting affects of cancer and their stressors. I have anxiety from nightmares. From day to day I also battle chronic pain which leaves me frazzled! I have found several hobbies which are therapeutic. Crocheting is one hobby I highly recommend.

I taught myself how to crochet a year ago. I learned by watching tutorials on YouTube. There are so many that teach the basic steps of crochet and more advanced techniques as well.
I recently finished an afghan inspired by the traditional sock monkey colors! I am excited to say it only took me a month to finish. I know that is a long time, but I put it down and picked it up several times during that month too. Ive found crocheting to be a very relaxing hobby. It has been my release and I highly recommend it to others who are also looking for a way to relax your mind.

To see this blanket or other things Ive started making you can view them at my Etsy store.

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